Monday, June 28, 2010

Rampage Tourniment

The Valley Hotspurs just finished the Rampage Tourniment in Roy! We won our last game against the Strikers "Girls that rock" That last game was really fun just because I like to see Jaydens expression when Madi gets mad at her! (Hahaha just kidding Madi!) We all hope to do really well in the next tourniment coming up which I think is the Park City Tourniment, that tourniment has always been good for us so hopefully we can get up to first place with our new team! GO HOTSPURS!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Hotspurs Tryout!!!!!

So, the Valley Hotspurs just had a tryout!! We are soooo excited to have some new team members. I know that they will have an AWESOME time being on our team cause we are....well......the best! All the new Valley Hotspurs team mates are all very excited to be on the team too!! They have already gotten used to all of us, and we're really excited to see our new team in action!!